Because nothing says Easter more than sieging French Castles.
Biscuit Ingredients
Butter (soft at room temperature) – 165g
Dark Brown Sugar – 165g
Glucose Syrup – 100g
Treacle (or molasses) – 100g
Milk – 35g
Flour – 465g
Cinnamon – 1.5tsp
Ginger – 0.5tsp
Allspice – 1tsp
Biscuit Instructions
Mix all the ingredients together. Put batter into the fridge to firm up for about 1 hour. Roll out to a 6mm thickness.
Download the template. Print at 100%. Paper size is A4.
Cut out the shapes, but don’t remove them from the surrounding biscuit dough. This is to prevent each shape from having crisp and dry edges.
Use a toothpick to score the roof and sides to look like planks of wood. Add details to the wheels.
Bake at 160 C Fan for 15 minutes. Then cut around the shapes in the dough again to make sure that the biscuits haven’t spread. Remove the small shapes from the oven (the 4 wheels and the ear folds). Bake the rest for a further 15 minutes. Allow to cool before assembly. Save the off cuts to use for supporting the final structure.
Icing Ingredients
Glucose Syrup – 0.5tsp
Icing sugar – 70g
Egg whites – 1
Coco powder – 10g
Icing Instructions
Mix all the ingredients except for the coco powder together to form a smooth paste. Use this to draw on the eye of the bunny. Then add the coco powder. Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a #8 writing tip.
Assembly Instructions
Use a chopping board as a base.
Start by sticking the wheels onto the sides, and the ear flaps onto the head. Also stick a couple of off cuts to the base of the head for extra stability.
Start by joining the front onto the inside of a side. Then add on the other side, and the back.
Once all of the above have solidified (about 30 minutes), stick the roof onto the main body. Wait for this to solidify before adding on the head to the centre of the front roof panel. Pipe on the nose and eye centres.
Don’t forget to create your Kniggits so that they can siege the French castle!

Next time, I will be making the castle and making the wheels of the bunny function.